USMLE Step 2 CS Strategies, Practice & Review

TheBookshoplibraryUAESKU: 9781625237156

Sale priceDhs. 225.75


         This USMLE® Step 2 Clinical Skills (CS) exam assesses skills essential to patient care that cannot be measured by a traditional multiple-choice exam. This "hands on" exam tests a doctor's ability to gather information, perform physical examinations, and communicate findings. With dozens of exam-like cases, USMLE® Step 2 CS Strategies, Practice & Review from Kaplan Medical gives you the guidance you need to excel on the test. Features: 30+ exam-like cases on frequently tested patient scenarios Techniques for mastering the standardized patient encounter Step-by-step guidance for taking the patient history and performing relevant physical exam maneuvers Advice for organizing the Patient Note Strategies for articulating the differential diagnosis and ordering appropriate diagnostic studies Time-management strategies

         With dozens of exam-like cases, USMLE Step 2 CS Strategies, Practice & Review from Kaplan Medical gives you the guidance you need to excel on this section of the boards, which assesses skills essential to patient care that cannot be measured by a traditional multiple-choice exam. This "hands on" exam tests a doctor's ability to gather information, perform physical examinations, and communicate findings. Features: 30+ exam-like cases on frequently tested patient scenarios Techniques for mastering the standardized patient encounter Step-by-step guidance for taking patient history and performing relevant physical exam maneuvers Advice for organizing the Patient Note Strategies for articulating the differential diagnosis and ordering appropriate diagnostic studies Time-management strategies Good for IMGs United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) is a joint program of the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME)

Pages: 324

Published Date: 23 Mar 2017

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